JITO: Green Manufacturing Strategies and Applications in Response to the CBAM Policy

The recent introduction of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) by the European Union aims to ensure that imported goods have carbon emissions comparable to those produced within the EU. The initial phase of CBAM covers five high-carbon-emitting industries, including cement, steel, aluminum, fertilizers, and electricity, accounting for approximately 45% of the EU carbon trading market. How should JITO, a company primarily focused on stainless steel, copper, and aluminum materials, respond to the challenges posed by this policy?

JITO has been dedicated to green manufacturing and the use of sustainable energy sources to address the challenges presented by the CBAM policy and enhance competitiveness. Firstly, JITO will adhere to ISO 14064-1 and ISO 14067 standards to measure greenhouse gas emissions and conduct product carbon footprint assessments to identify and reduce carbon emissions during production. This will provide JITO with the necessary data to comply with the requirements of the CBAM policy.

Secondly, the company plans to install solar panels in its factories, harnessing the abundant sunlight resources in the Lukang area to generate electricity and support factory operations. Solar panels utilize the technology of converting solar energy into electricity, offering a clean and renewable energy source that significantly reduces carbon emissions compared to traditional energy sources.

This initiative brings several additional benefits. Firstly, JITO will reduce its dependence on traditional energy sources, thereby decreasing sensitivity to energy market fluctuations. Secondly, the installation and operational costs of solar energy systems have significantly decreased, enabling long-term energy cost savings for JITO. Additionally, the company will continue to improve its production processes to minimize carbon emissions and environmental impact. This includes adopting more energy-efficient manufacturing technologies, enhancing resource recycling and waste reduction, and promoting collaboration within the supply chain to ensure the use of sustainable raw materials.

JITO actively responds to the challenges of the CBAM policy by complying with the policy standards, installing solar panels, improving production processes, promoting a sustainable supply chain, and investing in research and development of green technologies. The company remains committed to the use and development of green energy sources and strives to become an advocate for environmental protection, contributing to the achievement of sustainable development. In the future, JITO will further enhance its production processes to reduce carbon emissions and environmental impact, thereby increasing market competitiveness and attractiveness.

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